Claims generally must be filed with Department of Fair Employment and Housing within one year of the alleged discrimination. For this reason, you should never let an employment issue linger, as you may miss out on your chance to obtain justice.
Defining race itself is sometimes a challenge, especially given that complex genetic distinctions are involved and many acts of discrimination are based on other protected characteristics such as national origin and religion. However, black, Hispanic and Asian workers are the most frequent victims of acts driven by race discrimination, including:
Within the last few years, we have also seen a number of “reverse discrimination” cases, including those of workers who are not Asian being terminated, workers who are not Hispanic are terminated or given less desirable work, and a range of other such situations.
We understand that the pain and stress of working where racism is tolerated can be overwhelming. Employers are required by law not only to refrain from engaging in or promoting race discrimination and harassment, but also to take action to stop them.
Speaking out and taking action to expose racial discrimination takes courage, and we support people who do so with the full weight of our knowledge and resources. Your situation may call for first steps including the filing of a complaint with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), and we can advise you on the action likely to be most effective for you.